One Microneedling Session with Optional PRP at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh (Up to 54% Off)
54% $200 $92
Up to 54% Off at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh
Choice of: One Microneedling Treatment One Microneedling Treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma
One Microneedling Session with Optional PRP at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh (Up to 54% Off)
46% $600 $324
Up to 54% Off at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh
Choice of: One Microneedling Treatment One Microneedling Treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma
$199 for $600 Towards Geneveve Vaginal Tightening at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh
66% $600 $199
Up to 67% Off at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh
$600 Towards a Geneveve Vaginal Tightening Treatment The Geneveve vaginal tightening treatment is a non-surgical procedure designed to help boost collagen, confidence, and closeness. The total treatment cost is $3,000 and this voucher is valid for...
One Syringe of Juvederm at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh (Up to 63% Off)
63% $1,500 $549
Up to 63% Off Anti-Aging Injections
The Deal $549 for one syringe of Juvederm ($1,500 value)
$650 for CoolSculpting Cryolipolysis at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh ($1,000 Value)
35% $1,000 $650
35% Off CoolSculpting Cryolipolysis Treatment
One CoolSculpting Cryolipolysis Cycle
VaserLipo Session on the Neck, Arms, or Inner Thighs at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh (50% Off)
50% $5,000 $2,499
50% Off VaserLipo
Choose from Three Options $2,499 for a VaserLipo session on the neck ($5,000 value) $2,999 for a VaserLipo session on the arms ($6,000 value) $2,999 for a VaserLipo session on the inner thighs ($6,000 value) Dr. Celia Mendes use liposuction to...
One Fraxel Skin-Resurfacing Treatment at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh (Up to 49% Off)
48% $1,000 $511
Up to 49% Off Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing
The Deal $511 for one Fraxel laser skin-resurfacing treatment (a $1,000 value)
20 or 40 Units of Botox at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh (Up to 48% Off)
35% $340 $220
Up to 48% Off Botox at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh
Becoming an adult means developing a few wrinkles, much like becoming a teenager means driving across the country to meet the scientists that grew you. Escape the inevitable with this voucher. Choose Between Two Options $220 for 20 units of Botox...
Three, Six, or Nine Lipo-Cavitation Treatments at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh (Up to 92% Off)
88% $900 $101
Up to 92% Off Lipo-Cavitation at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh
An excess of cellulite can harm self-confidence, much like romantic rejection or falling for your own pyramid scheme. Nourish your self-image with this voucher. Choose Between Three Options $101 for three lipo-cavitation treatments ($900 value)...
Three, Six, or Nine Lipo-Cavitation Treatments at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh (Up to 92% Off)
92% $1,800 $140
Up to 92% Off Lipo-Cavitation at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center ...
An excess of cellulite can harm self-confidence, much like romantic rejection or falling for your own pyramid scheme. Nourish your self-image with this voucher. Choose Between Three Options $93 for three lipo-cavitation treatments ($900 value)...
20 or 40 Units of Xeomin at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh (Up to 40% Off)
40% $300 $179
Up to 40% Off at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh
Choice of: 20 Units of Xeomin 40 Units of Xeomin Xeomin may cause serious side effects that can be life-threatening, including problems swallowing, speaking, or breathing. Read all safety considerations for Xeomin here. During a pre-treatment...
Laser Hair-Removal Treatments at Pure Cosmetics of Raleigh (Up to 76% Off). Four Options Available.
69% $495 $149
Up to 76% Off Laser Hair Removal
Spa technicians use lasers to remove hair from the body, just as NASA scientists use lasers to remove Soviet flags from the surface of the moon. Win the hairless arms race with this voucher. Choose from Four Options $99 for three treatments on a...
Laser Hair-Removal Treatments at Pure Cosmetic and Surgical Center of Raleigh (Up to 79% Off). Four Options Available.
75% $1,050 $255
Up to 79% Off Laser Hair Removal
Spa technicians use lasers to remove hair from the body, just as NASA scientists use lasers to remove Soviet flags from the surface of the moon. Win the hairless arms race with this voucher. Choose from Four Options $84 for three treatments on a...